Essential resources to help learners and leaders advance anti-racism in their workplaces, schools, communities, and selves.

Become a DT Spark Member for $12/month, or click here to inquire about joining us as a partner for special group rates and packages!

“I attended DT Spark’s Anti-racist Choice and Actions, a great webinar with real humans facilitating!!!!  The content was very conversational.  DT Sparks used the chat function a lot to make it interactive and easy to participate in the convo. I REALLY liked it. The presentation’s topic made me uncomfortable in a good way. The 3 facilitators were welcoming, empathy-driven and knowledgeable. The way topics were framed was easy to understand.”

- Alicia, Spark Member

  • Learners & Leaders Library

    Resources to help you educate yourself and lead open and honest conversations with peers and colleagues.

  • Trainings & Events

    Members-only events to educate, inspire, and explore.

  • Ask an Anti-Racist

    Share your experiences, questions, and concerns with the DT Staff and we may feature your story and our advice! All submissions are kept anonymous.

  • Educator Corner

    Special resources for educators working to decolonize their classrooms and uplift student voices.

Our Director of Strategic Partnerships wants to talk with you!

Put a meeting on Molly’s calendar to discuss how Diversity Talks Sessions can help your organization.