Our Research
Our innovative approach to individual and community assessments and signature research can provide the insights you need in order to catalyze change. Contact us to explore partnership opportunities.
PERM Framework
In 2019, Diversity Talks developed a framework and assessment that evaluates the cultural competence of educators using four dimensions: power, empathy, relationships, and mindset (PERM). The PERM Framework and Assessment is a first-of-its-kind methodology for measuring cultural competence and is geared towards improving academic and non-academic outcomes for Black and Latinx students.
Youth-Led Professional Development Report
This report presents the results of a study measuring shifts in educators' cultural competence as a result of their participation in Diversity Talks' youth-led workshops. The report includes a profile of the district prior to the workshops, details about improvements in their cultural competence levels after the workshops, and recommendations for next steps.
Youth Impact Report
Because youth leadership is one of our core values, we regularly assess the impact we are having on our youth facilitators, both short and long term. Youth leaders are central to our mission and it is essential that we collect their feedback, evaluate our effectiveness, and make decisions based on the data we find. Our work isn’t just about shifting mindsets of adults, it’s also about helping youth develop into the anti-racist leaders of future institutions.
“... I can have powerful conversations now, being confident that my voice will be respected as well.”
— DT Liberation Leader
Spring 2021 Impact
Read if you want to learn more about the way our youth-led workshops challenge adult participants embarking on their anti-racist journeys. We will take you through the impact story of Routed (pseudonym). Routed is a local branch of a larger network of educational non-profit organizations that work with schools to support youth from vulnerable and underrepresented backgrounds. Members of Routed serve different roles within the organization, from teachers and district staff, to volunteers, and other non-profit roles.
2020 Annual Report
Over 65% of participants who scored cultural blindness within the power, empathy, relationships, and mindset dimensions shifted to either pre-competence or competence following our youth-led professional development. As a result of our anti-racism training, 82% of participants said the training influenced their personal and/or professional behaviors.
Distance Learning Toolkits
We created six toolkits to support teachers and youth during distance learning.
A Seat at the Table: Advocating for Yourself During Distance Learning
Clocking Out: Creating Boundaries While Working from Home
The Dark Imagination: How to Uplift & Validate Marginalized Youth Through Media
We Told Yal: How COVID-19 is Amplifying Existing Inequities in Education
When Boys Don't Cry, They Explode: The Power of Vulnerability
When Chromebooks Aren't Enough: Ways to Empower Youth During Distance Learning
Case Studies & Impact Narratives
Building Cultural Competency Through Conversations
April 2019
Uncovering Root Causes for Inequities in Education
May 2019
Creating Space for Conversations about Race and Identity
July 2019
Measuring Cultural Competence: Diversity Talks Impact Narrative
January 2020
Measuring Cultural Competence: Diversity Talks Impact Narrative
March 2020