Are your services only for schools?
No, our professional development services are offered to organizations, schools and/or districts, colleges, and businesses. We believe in the value of encouraging conversations with people from all sectors.
Do you provide services beyond youth-led professional development?
Yes, we also offer youth empowerment and leadership courses, financial empowerment and wellness fellowships, health equity programming, school club sponsorship programming, adult-led professional development, youth and adult keynotes.
How long are the professional development sessions?
Our workshops vary from 1.5 hours to 3 hours and meet certain objectives depending on the workshop selected.
What topics are covered during the Diversity Talks series and individual sessions?
Diversity Talks focuses on providing conversation-based, evidence-based experiential learning for adults. You can find a brief description for each of the topics here.
How many participants are allowed to attend a professional development session?
Each workshop accommodates up to 50 participants. If you have more than 50 participants, we can run multiple sessions simultaneously.
We are a university, can you train our students?
Yes, we believe that the experiences infused throughout the workshops would be most impactful coming from the voices of your population.
How much does it cost?
Since our services are tailored to meet your needs, please contact us for a quote.